5 Home Garden Decor Ideas For A Green Revolution Indoors

Decorating a home with greens is not very new in interior decoration. But, the popularity and adoption of home garden decor reached a new height during the pandemic when all of us were stuck indoors. People realized the tremendous value a garden and greens add to our day-to-day lives. It is not just for life-saving oxygen, we also discovered the calm feeling that trees provide while meditating indoors or doing yoga at home.

But having an open courtyard is a luxury to most city-life-loving Indians. Hence, we have brought interesting ways you can add greenery to your abode. Keep reading if you, too, are a plant parent and looking for some home garden decor ideas.

Moss Wall Hangings Make For Unique Home Garden Decor

If you do not have enough space on the floor to place planters or pots with trees for home garden decor, put them on the wall, as you can see in the image below. It’s a genius way of decorating the empty walls in your home that’s also much more cost-effective. Moss can survive in low-light areas, hence making it a perfect choice for indoor wall hanging.

A Green Wall Garden Decoration At Home For Proud Plant Parents

If you are an avid plant lover, this home garden decor is for you. If you think hanging or freestanding planters are too mainstream, give the green wall a try. Climber plants, herbs or ferns are great choices for an indoor green wall.

Home Garden Decoration Plants For The Bedroom

A few plants here and there in the bedroom make the space very much lively. Hence, we recommend investing in some beautiful decorative planters to up your home gardening game. A combination of hanging and freestanding planters in various sizes and materials is a great way to glam up your bedroom with home garden decoration plants.

Ace Home Garden Decor Vertically On The Balcony

If you are one of the fortunate ones with a big balcony, don’t think twice about building yourself a vertical garden. They are space efficient and easy to manage. The vertical home garden in the image below makes this balcony feel like an oasis amid the concrete jungle. It is the perfect spot for chilling and enjoying the evening breeze or soaking in the morning sunshine.

Upgrade Your Balcony With Hanging Garden Decoration At Home

A great way of decorating your balcony is installing a false ceiling from which you can hang lush green vines. It adds another dimension to the look and feel of your home. In the balcony shown in the image below, the vines are wrapped around the extended false ceiling while the hanging planters make the balcony a plant oasis. Imagine spending your evenings in the lounge chair, relaxing with a glass of wine in this space!

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